Buddhismus in Berlin
Praxis & Lehre des tibetischen Buddhismus


18. July, 19h30 - Meditation for everyone - Lorenz Oswald - in person only (Neckarstrassen Zentrum), in english only
We are hosting a weekly meditation session every Thursday  from 7.30-9pm at Neckarstrasse 12, 12053 Berlin. We will always start by introducing the method (shamata - calm abiding) and then spend the time meditating together. There will be a couple of short meditation sessions with moments in-between to share and discuss our experiences with each other. Everyone is welcome/ donation based.

23. Juny, 18h30 - Mipham Rinpoche's Gateway to Knowledge - Sonam Jamtsho - online only, in english only

25. July, 19h30 - Meditation for everyone - Lorenz Oswald - in person only (Neckarstrassen Zentrum), in english only

A wonderful visit of Khenchen Konchok Gyaltsen Rinpoche ahead. Rinpoche will give four teachings; you can come for each session individually, but it is suggested to join all four sessions. There is no registration necessary. The teachings will be in english only, without translation. Entrance fee: 10-20 Euro per session (according to your possibilities). Please find the schedule above.

Diese Veranstaltung ist nur auf Englisch
Gateway to Knowledge with Lopön Sönam Jamtsho
Ongoing online study course of Mipham Rinpoche's great text.
Previous recordings are available. The course started May 2022.
Suggested donation per evening 15 Euro.
Please register here

This event is in german only
Ein interaktives Studium des berühmten Weisheitskapitels von Shantidevas Bodhicharyavatara mit Arne Schelling.
Fortlaufender Online-Kurs, Einstieg jederzeit möglich. Nächste Termine 8. Juni (Abschluß des Weisheitskapitels), 9. Juni (Widmungskapitel)
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