Buddhismus in Berlin
Praxis & Lehre des tibetischen Buddhismus


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2. January, 19h30 - Meditation for everyone - Lorenz Oswald - in person & in english only (Neckarstrassen Zentrum), no registration necessary
6. January, 19-20h15 - Weisheitskapitel der Bodhicharyavatara - Arne Schelling - nur in Person, nur online, nur auf deutsch
9. January, 19h30 - Meditation for everyone - Lorenz Oswald & Arne Schelling - in person & in english only (Neckarstrassen Zentrum), no registration necessary

11. January, 10h30 - The Essence of the Middle Way - Dongtsang Shabdrung Rinpoche - online only, english only

 The 4th Dongtsang Shabdrung Rinpoche, known for his extensive knowledge, was recognized as an emanation of Sangye Yeshe (832 – 902), one of the 25 heart disciples of Guru Padmasambhava. He is also a Tulku in the Sakya lineage, and the previous Dongtsang Shabdrung Rinpoche was the elder brother of the 16th Karmapa.
When still being a young child, the present 4th Dongtsang Shabdrung Rinpoche was recognized as a tulku by His Holiness Sakya Trichen. He entered Ngor Monastery in Dheradun/India, where he trained intensively in ritual practices. Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche personally accepted him as a teenager to join the Dzongsar Institute near Bir/India, where he began his studies toward a Khenpo degree, which he received in 2005 handed by H.H. Dalai Lama.
Thereafter, he helped in the reconstruction of his monastery in Yushu, Tibet, and is caring for the monks at Sa Ngor Chotsok Monastery located just outside of Gangtok, Sikkim. In 2013, under the patronage of Khyentse Foundation, Rinpoche went to the UC Berkeley as an exchange scholar to advise PhD students on their thesis.
To join this zoom event, please click here. To donate, please click here. 

11. January, 20h - Dzö Dün Studies - Arne Schelling - online only, english only, only with transmissions
16. Januar, 19h30 - Meditation for everyone - Lorenz Oswald - in person & in english only (Neckarstrassen Zentrum), no registration necessary
20. January, 18h30-19h45 - Weisheitskapitel der Bodhicharyavatara - Arne Schelling - nur in Person, nur online, nur auf deutsch
23. January, 19h30 - Meditation for everyone - Lorenz Oswald - in person & in english only (Neckarstrassen Zentrum), no registration necessary
25. January, 20h - Dzö Dün Studies - Arne Schelling - online only, english only, only with transmissions
26. January, 18-19h30 - The path & result in the Vaibhashika & Sautrantika tradition - Arne Schelling & Susan Stewart - class #1 of a 16 weeks course - online only, english only (every sunday)
30. January, 19h30 - Meditation for everyone - Lorenz Oswald - in person & in english only (Neckarstrassen Zentrum), no registration necessary

A wonderful visit of Khenchen Konchok Gyaltsen Rinpoche ahead. Rinpoche will hopefully visit us again in 2025, after five wonderful visits so far.

Diese Veranstaltung ist nur auf Englisch
Soon, in the beginning of 2025, Sonam Jamtsho will start a new course, in which he will comment on various texts by Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo, which are published on our Khyentse Vision project website.
Suggested donation per evening 15 Euro.
Please register here

This event is in german only
Ein interaktives Studium des berühmten Weisheitskapitels von Shantidevas Bodhicharyavatara mit Arne Schelling.
Fortlaufender Online-Kurs, Einstieg jederzeit möglich.
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